This year, Media and Communication Studies instituted an award for exceptional master's theses in the subject. The papers given the Peter Dahlgren Excellent Dissertation Award had been publicly defended and received the highest grade.
"We instituted this prize to celebrate the hard work our international master programme students put into their theses every year and the amazing results that yields," said Joanna Doona, Director of Studies for Media and Communication Studies. "Today, we’re really proud of all our winners. In different ways, their remarkable effort embodies our master programme motto, inspired by media and communications scholar John Corner: “Assume less, investigate more”. Thanks to their brilliant work, we learn much about new concepts, theories, methods, and different cultural contexts. This is our way of celebrating that."
Current students from all stages of the Master's Programme in Media and Communication Studies gathered for the first award ceremony on February 27.
"To those of you who are getting the award today, I want to say I am impressed," Professor Emeritus Peter Dahlgren said in his inaugural speech. "These dissertations very impressive pieces of work. I am struck by the sophisticated theoretical frameworks. In regards to language, I am impressed by your capacity to express yourselves. It is crisp, nuanced and with much clarity. An extra congratulations to all of you."
The awardees and their theses
Kaoru Filippone
"'Regards: European Stories'. The representation of European diversities in the ARTE Magazine"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Carl Crantz
"When the Formula One engines roar louder than war: a qualitative case study of the UK news framing of the Formula One Grand Prix in Russia and Saudi Arabia regarding sportswashing"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Adyasha Mishra
"A Second Life: Exploring Sustainable Fashion Through Value Creation Study Of Indian Instagram Thrift Stores"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Roman Kmyta
"Bottom-Up Visual Doublespeak and Meta Community Guidelines During Modern Conflicts : The case of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Lucie Riedererová
"The Czech Rapeblic: Rape mythologies in the media coverage of Dominik Feri case"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Griffin Stuart Rowell
"Analyzing Newspaper Coverage of Vigilantism To Understand American Elites, Media, and the State"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Thea Sjöstedt
"Beyond Morning Sickness- Exploring a Hyperemesis Gravidarum Support Group on Facebook"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Inzhu Mukhametkali
"Family Ethnography : a creative journey through the memories of Central Asian female relatives"
Download the paper from Lund University's libraries' website.
Read more about Peter Dahlgren and the award instituted in his honour.