Final PhD Seminar: Hario Priambodo (Media & Communication Studies)
PhD candidates at the Department of Communication hold three seminars during their education: a start-up seminar, a mid-seminar, and a final seminar. Participation in the seminars is essential to achieve the learning outcomes of the PhD education fully.
The Cult Experience: Audiences, Exhibitors, Effervescence, and Atmosphere
Hario Priambodo is a doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies since September 2019. His research interests are media audiences, cult and niche media, cultural participation, film, and media engagement. His doctoral dissertation focuses on aspects within the live cinematic events of cult cinema (e.g. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Room, etc.). Specifically, he is unpacking the components of audience participation and interactions based on their taste and cultural knowledge, and the perceptions and values of those working at the movie theatre (e.g. ticket sellers, event organizers, marketing people). The research also deals with how media spaces, or cult spaces in this case, are afforded meaning by those involved in the screenings. He does this through a nuanced exploration of irony, camp appreciation, genre, and ultimately our modes of enjoyment.
Contact hario [dot] primabodho [at] iko [dot] lu [dot] se for a copy of the manuscript.
Contact deniz [dot] duru [at] iko [dot] lu [dot] se to attend online via Zoom
John Lynch, Department of Geography, Media and Communication, Karlstad University
Tobias Linne, Department of Communication, Lund University
Anette Hill, Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences, Jönköping University
Deniz Duru, Department of Communication, Lund University
Om evenemanget
Room A158, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Helgonabacken 12, Lund
hario [dot] primabodho [at] iko [dot] lu [dot] se